I am a Ruby beginner and i am working on a cypher program. It takes a phrase , transforms the string to numbers , increments the numbers with a given value then transforms them again in to a string. I would like to know how can i can keep the non letter symbols unchanged. like the " ! " or the space. The code i have wrote is bellow:
def caesar_cypher ( phrase, number=0)
letters = phrase.downcase.split(//)
letters_to_numbers= letters.map { |idx| idx.ord }
incrementor = letters_to_numbers.map { |idx| idx+number}
numbers_to_letters = incrementor.map { |idx| idx.chr}.join.capitalize
p numbers_to_letters
caesar_cypher("Hello world!", 4)
caesar_cypher("What a string!", 6)
Yes, you can pass characters through unmodified, but to do so you'll need to define what's a "letter" and what you want to include or exclude from the encoding within your #map block. Here's a slightly different way to approach the problem that does those things, but is also much shorter and adds some additional flexibility.
key % 26 == 0
, but allow it anyway. This helps with testing. Otherwise, you could simply raise an exception if you don't want to allow plaintext results, or set a default value for key.Using Ruby 3.0.2:
def caesar_cypher phrase, key
warn "no encoding when key=#{key}" if (key % 26).zero?
letters = [*(?A..?Z), *(?a..?z)]
encoding = letters.rotate(key).zip(letters).to_h.invert
phrase.chars.map { encoding.fetch _1, _1 }.join
You can verify that this gives you repeatable outputs with some of the following examples:
# verify your mapping with key=0,
# which returns the phrase as-is
caesar_cypher "foo bar", 0
#=> "foo bar"
caesar_cypher "foo bar", 5
#=> "ktt gfw"
caesar_cypher "Et tu, Brute?", 43
#=> "vk kl, silkV?"
# use any other rotation value you like;
# you aren't limited to just 0..51
caesar_cypher "Veni, vidi, vici", 152
#=> "Raje, reZe, reYe"
# UTF-8 and punctuation (actually, anything
# not /[A-Za-z]/) will simply pass through
# unencoded since it's not defined in the
# +encoding+ Hash
caesar_cypher "î.ô.ú.", 10
#=> "î.ô.ú."
The code above should work on most recent Ruby versions, but on versions older than 2.7 you may need to replace the _1
variables inside the block with something like:
phrase.chars.map { |char| encoding.fetch(char, char) }.join
instead of relying on numbered positional arguments. I can't think of anything else that would prevent this code from running on any Ruby version that's not past end-of-life, but if you find something specific please add a comment.