Looking for a way to store a turtle length of stay in the model after they have left the model. My model runs for several months and a few thousand turtles enter, undergo process then leave the area. It's complicate model (it's a hybrid DES and ABM) so I've tried to reproduce the simple bit below.
Turtles will be created at every tick and given a random length of stay but will only be able to begin process when they move to the right area (area-name) and when their time is up they leave the area. Their time-in-system reflects the wait for the area and the length-of-stay which I want to save once they're complete. If I leave them in the model it starts to break down after a couple of months and I suspect this is because the model has too many turtles still in the system for calculation and is inefficient.
create turtles 2
set time-in-system 0
set length-of-stay ceiling ((random-normal 48 4) + ticks)]
set shape "person"
if any? area-name with [not any? turtles-here]
[move-to one-of area-name]
ask turtles with [shape = "person"]
set time-in-system time-in-system + 1
ask turtles-on area-name
[if ticks = length-of-stay
[set shape "dot"
move-to exit-door]
I can then plot and see in realtime to make sure it is working
histogram time-in-system of turtles with [shape = "dot"]
but can't seem to figure out how to store them as unique values for plotting after the model has run and I have a dataset of outcomes without keeping them alive in the model. The real-time plot isn't necessary as long as I can store the unique values after they have left
If I ask them to die then I lose the unique values in the histogram. I don't want a tally of all values but each turtle's unique value at the end of the process after they left - at the moment the only solution I have to storing them is as an agent-set that stays alive in the exit-door patch but this takes up a lot of calculation power as the model progresses for months...
There may be a really simple command for this but I've been going round in circles through the programming manual trying to find it. Any tips appreciated
You should create a list storing the values of turtles that left.
Isolating only the code that is relevant for this purpose, it would be something like:
globals [
to setup
set times (list)
to leave-simulation ; This being executed by turtles.
set times lput (time-in-system times)