Hi all, i have a problem in vuedraggable. When i drag "item 2" to "item 3" => I want "item 3" will swap with "item 2". Please help me.
Assuming you have multiple lists and each list has its own <draggable>
element, then you will need to assign a new method handleMove(event)
to your <draggable>
elements. The event
parameter is important because event.draggedContext
contains the index of the item that you are trying to move (index
) and also the index of the other item which is currently overlapping with your grabbed item (futureIndex
). It also contains information from which list is your grabbed item (event.from
) and where you want to drop it (event.to
). Store these 4 variables somewhere and use them when you are done dragging (function handleDragEnd()
Inside handleDragEnd()
simply swap those 2 items and Vue will update the HTML template.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-3">
<h3>My LEGO Bionicles</h3>
:options="{ animation: 500 }"
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<div class="list-group-item" :style="element.style">
{{ element.name }}
<div class="col-3">
<h3>Favourite LEGO Bionicle</h3>
:options="{ animation: 500 }"
<template #item="{ element, index }">
<div class="list-group-item" :style="element.style">
{{ element.name }}
import draggable from 'vuedraggable';
export default {
name: 'two-lists-swap',
display: 'Swapping between 2 lists',
order: 1,
components: {
data() {
return {
list1: [
{ name: 'TOA Mata Nui', id: 1, style: { background: 'gold' } },
name: 'TOA Tahu',
id: 2,
style: { background: 'red', color: 'yellow' },
{ name: 'TOA Kopaka', id: 3, style: { background: 'white' } },
name: 'TOA Anakin',
id: 4,
style: { background: 'black', color: 'yellow' },
list2: [
name: 'TOA Gali',
id: 5,
style: { background: 'blue', color: 'yellow' },
name: 'TOA Lewa',
id: 6,
style: { background: 'green', color: 'yellow' },
name: 'TOA Pohatu',
id: 7,
style: { background: 'brown', color: 'white' },
methods: {
handleDragEndItem() {
if (this.originalList === this.futureList) {
this.movingItem = this[this.futureList][this.originalIndex];
this.futureItem = this[this.futureList][this.futureIndex];
if (this.movingItem && this.futureItem) {
let _list = Object.assign([], this[this.futureList]);
_list[this.futureIndex] = this.movingItem;
_list[this.originalIndex] = this.futureItem;
this[this.futureList] = _list;
} else {
this.movingItem = this[this.originalList][this.originalIndex];
this.futureItem = this[this.futureList][this.futureIndex];
if (this.movingItem && this.futureItem) {
let _listFrom = Object.assign([], this[this.originalList]);
let _listTo = Object.assign([], this[this.futureList]);
_listTo[this.futureIndex] = this.movingItem;
_listFrom[this.originalIndex] = this.futureItem;
this[this.originalList] = _listFrom;
this[this.futureList] = _listTo;
.forEach((el) => (el.style.border = 'none'));
handleMoveItem(event) {
.forEach((el) => (el.style.border = 'none'));
const { index, futureIndex } = event.draggedContext;
this.originalIndex = index;
this.futureIndex = futureIndex;
this.originalList = event.from.getAttribute('data-list');
this.futureList = event.to.getAttribute('data-list');
if (this[this.futureList][this.futureIndex]) {
event.to.children[this.futureIndex].style.border = '2px solid orange';
return false; // disable sort
.list-group-item {
padding: 5px 10px;
cursor: grab;