
GPS + IMU Fusion filter

I have a question. I have a twin-engine boat and I want to implement an autopilot in it. Using GPS alone my boat goes to the destination like a sine wave, unfortunately for 300m. Just like the picture below. enter image description here

I Use RadioLink M8N GPS SE100 ( and STM32. It has a built-in geomagnetic sensor HMC5983. Is it possible to use this sensor and GPS to let my boat go straight?

I don't know much about all those Kalman filters, Fusion, etc. My question is what should I use, apart from the GPS itself, what kind of sensors and filters to make my boat sail in a straight line.

Thanks in advance for the tips and hints.


  • It is important to position a boat. If you only use poor GPS receiver, you couldn't do this. In order to solve this, you should apply UKF(unscented kalman filter) with fusion of GPS and INS.