
Is NestJs a right choice for a node.js beginner or should I do something with Express first?

I know Nest.js is on top of Express JS and can be on fastify, I have completed the express JS library project in the Mozilla (MDN) training site but for many reasons like the architecture of the app and discussions that I saw on web about problematic situations with express and modern JS like async-await, etc…

I searched for a more reliable choice: sails-js, nest and feathers came up, feathers were awesome but Nest.js had very good documentation and I avoided typescript for a while, but as for now it seems to be everywhere, and I hope with nest I could get to know it better and the practical use of it, at frontend I honestly could not find a good reason for using it besides it's a trend, except for angular 2 plus. Don't get me wrong angular is one of the reasons I hope to come around TS.

Short Version

So this is my current situation as a frontend developer (vue & svelte mostly) a few months in NodeJS atmosphere (express and hapi) my question is: should I stick to hapi & express or go with NestJs & alternatives like feathers and sails?

Please forgive my lack of experience for writing in English.


  • Nest.js & Typescript is a framework for enterprise-level applications which provides a clear structure and guidelines of how things should be.

    So for the beginner pros are:

    You can't achieve these things via such old frameworks like Express + (something else)

    As for the cons: