I used the latest Vaadin Start page to generate an app skeleton (Vaadin 21 / Java 11) It works so far, I used hybrid mode with various views.
When clicking view links in the menu only TS+HTML based views will register in the GUI as selected and get a colored "selected/active" styling.
When I generate an app which only has Flow views, the first view will be stuck with the selected styling, but other views will register properly when clicked.
Only when I generate an app which only has Fusion views, all view selects will properly register.
I guess this is a bug?
Edit: video of the behavior when in hybrid mode. The menu item names correspond to the type of view which is being selected. As you can see only fusion views show the "select" in the menu:
Edit2: I think the problem is caused here:
?highlight=${viewRoute.path == appStore.location
Seems like the appStore.location is not being set from non-Fusion views. I put a console.log in the index.ts eventListener and non-Fusion views all just pass "(.*)" as the view name/location, which is the reasion why this fails.
So the @Route(value = "view-name") declaration in the java-class seems not to be passed properly at the moment.
BR Daniel
This seems to be a bug in the Start project templates. I added an issue in our internal issue tracker.
Thanks a lot for reporting.
Edit: the issue is already fixed.