
How to run nohup command from Python script?

I have a simple question. I have tried to search for a solution but there are no answers which would explain what I need.

The question is: How do I start a nohup command from Python? Basically the idea is, that I have a Python script which prepares my environment and I need it to launch multiple scripts with nohup commands. How do I start a nohup command like nohup python3 & from within a running Python script to have that nohup command running even after I log out?

Thank you


  • You do not need nohup -- not even in shell, and even less so in Python. It does the following things:

    That's it. There's no reason to use nohup to do any of those things; they're all trivial to do without it:

    Because your process isn't attached to the terminal by virtue of the above redirections, it won't implicitly get a HUP when that terminal closes. If you're worried about a signal being sent to the parent's entire process group, however, you can avoid that by splitting off the child into a separate one:

    Putting this all together might look like (if you really do want logs to go to a file named nohup.out -- I would suggest picking a better name):

    import subprocess, signal
    subprocess.Popen(['python3', ''],
                     stdout=open('nohup.out', 'w'),
                     preexec_fn=(lambda: signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)))