Our APNs certificate is about to expire as it shows on the FireBase console. I need to renew it. I have 2 main issues:
https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/download/{some code}
where {some code}
is some kind of an id, presumably.
I do not see a "renew" button just "revoke" and "download" buttons:
Checked with the original Apple ID that created the certificate as well as another one.
As I understand, if I revoke the certificate and create a new one, that would stop the push notifications and all devices would have to "enroll again". What does that mean exactly? Would that mean sending a new update? What would have to change on the client/server side?
I simply added a new certificate and updated the one in FireBase and it worked. Didn't have to revoke the previous one. Here is a tutorial.