
How to aggregate grouped entities after stream groupingBy

I have a simple class Person:

class Person {
    String firstName;
    String lastName;
    //getter, setter, constructor, toString

And an input list of Persons like:

List<Person> myList = List.of(
        new Person("Helena", "Graves"),
        new Person("Jasmine", "Knight"),
        new Person("Phoebe", "Reyes"),
        new Person("Aysha", "Graham"),
        new Person("Madeleine", "Jenkins"),
        new Person("Christina", "Johnson"),
        new Person("Melissa", "Carpenter"),
        new Person("Marie", "Daniel"),
        new Person("Robin", "French"),
        new Person("Tamara", "Wyatt"),
        new Person("Freya", "Montgomery"),
        new Person("Lacey", "Todd"),
        new Person("Heather", "Parker"),
        new Person("Lauren", "Wright"),
        new Person("Annie", "Bradley")

Now I need to group the above list by the first character of the person's lastnames and again group the groups such that all last names which start between A-H fall in one group, the next group for those which start with I-N and lastly with O-Z.

I can already group the list by first character of last name:
        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> String.valueOf(p.getLastName().charAt(0))))

Which gives me :

P=[Person{Heather, Parker}]
B=[Person{Annie, Bradley}]
R=[Person{Phoebe, Reyes}]
C=[Person{Melissa, Carpenter}]
T=[Person{Lacey, Todd}]
D=[Person{Marie, Daniel}]
F=[Person{Robin, French}]
W=[Person{Tamara, Wyatt}, Person{Lauren, Wright}]
G=[Person{Helena, Graves}, Person{Aysha, Graham}]
J=[Person{Madeleine, Jenkins}, Person{Christina, Johnson}]
K=[Person{Jasmine, Knight}]
M=[Person{Freya, Montgomery}]

Have difficulties how to proceed from here since I need to aggregate the above further to get a map with three entries/keys. Desired output:

Map<String, List<Person>> result = ...

A-H = [Person{Helena, Graves}, Person{Aysha, Graham}, Person{Melissa, Carpenter}, Person{Marie, Daniel}, Person{Robin, French}, Person{Annie, Bradley}]
I-N = [Person{Jasmine, Knight}, Person{Madeleine, Jenkins}, Person{Christina, Johnson}, Person{Freya, Montgomery}]
O-Z = [Person{Phoebe, Reyes}, Person{Tamara, Wyatt}, Person{Lacey, Todd}, Person{Heather, Parker}, Person{Lauren, Wright}]


  • You should just slightly change the classifier function to combine a range of chars.

    Also, it may be needed to sort the entrySet() (or use SortedMap/TreeMap when collecting to the map):
              p -> p.getLastName().charAt(0) < 'I' ? "A-H" : 
                   p.getLastName().charAt(0) < 'O' ? "I-N" : "O-Z"


    A-H=[Person {Helena Graves}, Person {Aysha Graham}, Person {Melissa Carpenter}, Person {Marie Daniel}, Person {Robin French}, Person {Annie Bradley}]
    I-N=[Person {Jasmine Knight}, Person {Madeleine Jenkins}, Person {Christina Johnson}, Person {Freya Montgomery}]
    O-Z=[Person {Phoebe Reyes}, Person {Tamara Wyatt}, Person {Lacey Todd}, Person {Heather Parker}, Person {Lauren Wright}]