
How to declare an `enum` of `enum` that allows for "flattened" `switch` statement?

Optional in Swift allows for magic where switch-ing over an optional enum flattens the cases into a single switch statement.


enum Foo {
    case bar, baz

You can:

let foo: Foo? = .bar
switch foo {
case .bar:
case .baz:
case nil:

Here, Optional is an enum and Foo is an enum, but just one single statement is enough to cover all cases of both.

Question: can I declare my own enum inside another enum so that the cases can be handled in a flat way too?

So that I could:

enum Foo<Bar> {
    case nope
    case dope(Bar)

enum Baz {
    case yep

let b: Foo<Baz> = .dope(.yep)

switch b {
case .nope:
case .yep:

Maybe if I call the case Foo.dope as Foo.some? Maybe there is an annotation that I can use?


  • You could do this with …

    switch b {
    case .nope: // stuff
    case .dope(.yep): // other stuff
    case .dope(.someOtherCase): // more stuff

    Responding to your comment…

    Imagine you could flatten it like you said. How would you deal with…

    enum Foo {
        case a
        case b(Bar)
        case c(Bar)

    If you are allowed to exclude the .b from the switch then there is no way to differentiate between .b and .c.