I want to compare a number from a form to a set number. The issue is that we have dozens of different systems and depending on the system the number can be displayed with 2 to 4 decimal places. So in one system the number is displayed as 11,1265, in another as 11,127 and in yet another as 11,13. Therefore I would like to found the number to decimal places before the assertion.
I have already found this this answer and and tried to implement the solution. Could not get it to work though as Cypress does not know .toFixed()
This is what I have tried so far:
cy.get('#Client_rate_ap').then(res => {
This returns
res.toFixed is not a function
cy.get('#Client_rate_ap').then(res => {
cy.get('#Client_rate_ap').then(res => {
Both also return the error toFixed is not a function
{{edit}} Added element
This is the element with the value that I want to compare:
<input class="rate_ap tariff-connected-field" name="Client[rate_ap]" id="Client_rate_ap" type="text" value="11,1300">
You have to first convert your text to float and then apply .toFixed(2)
. Something like:
.then((rate) => {
In case your prices are displayed in comma, then first you have to replace the comma with a decimal, in that case you can:
.then((rate) => {
expect(parseFloat(rate.replace(',', '.')).toFixed(2)*1).to.equal(11.13)