Is it possible to match a list of patterns in SQL?
I know of the following way to match a single pattern:
SELECT * FROM table where title LIKE '%match%'
This can be expanded like:
where title LIKE '%match%' OR title LIKE '%match2%'
... etc
I have a long list of patterns, is it possible to use 'IN' in any way, to make the code more readable?
Something more as this
SELECT * FROM table where title LIKE IN (match, match2, match3)
or am i forced to write lots of "OR"'s?
Edit: Was using SQL-Alchemy (Python library) to connect to Microsoft SQL Server.
Sure! There is a way to do it in Microsoft SQL Server.
FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE 'match_'
where _ can be any other letter but also you can be more specific to more complicated patterns
SELECT * FROM titles WHERE title LIKE '[a-t]itanic'
Here you will get all those combinations aitanic etc. But I think that the easiest way to do it is just to match everything as you've said by %text% and applying OR