I want to capture selected text from Etherpad. There is API methods available /getText that will return the entire text. My requirement is to get only selected text.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to use the selected text in an outer frame, you could use a postMessage System.
exports.postAceInit = (hookName, context) => {
window.addEventListener('message', function receiver(e) {
// Data of Request
let data = e.data;
// Origin URL of Request
let origin = e.origin;
if(data == 'GET_SELECTION'){
context.ace.callWithAce((ace) => {
// Read current selection
let rep = ace.ace_getRep();
// Start of the Selection [x,y]
let selStart = rep.selStart;
// End of the Selection [x,y]
let selEnd = rep.selEnd;
// Read Lines of Pad
let lines = rep.lines;
let retVal = '';
// Run through Selection
for(let idx = selStart[0]; idx < selEnd[0]+1; idx++){
retVal = retVal + lines.atIndex(idx).text;
// Send text to Receiver
e.source.postMessage(retVal, origin);
}, 'GET_SELECTION', true);
, false);
Receiver and Sender Site:
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendMessage(message) {
document.getElementById('etherpad').contentWindow.postMessage(message, '_URL OF YOUR ETHERPAD INSTANCE_');
function receiver(e) {
// Read Data of Request
let data = e.data;
// Origin URL of Request
let origin = e.origin;
alert("GOT: " + data + "\nFROM: " + origin);
e.source.postMessage('Thanks', origin);
// Listener gets Requests
window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false);
<button type="button" onclick="sendMessage('GET_SELECTION')">GET SELECTION</button>
This code will get you the whole lines of text from the selection. If you want to get the exacts characters, you would need a second loop within the idx for-loop