
Declare a value in an associative multidimensional array by a flat keypath array

I want to push some items in one array, here is the structure:

$str = 'String';
$a = array('some', 'sub', 'page');

and I want to push the items to some other array that should become:

Array (
   [some] => Array (
      [sub] => Array (
         [page] => String

I don't know how exactly to explain it, so hope the example shows you something. I want any new element in the first array (a) to be pushed as sub-array of the prevous one and the last to have the value from $str;

$string = 'My Value';
$my_first_array = array('my', 'sub', 'arrays');

Then some function to parse $my_first_array and transfer it as:


$my_parsed_sub_array = parse_sub_arrays($my_first_array, $string);


Array (
   [my] => Array (
      [sub] => Array (
         [arrays] => String


  • [Edit] I hope that, this time, I've understood the question...

    If you have your string and array like this :

    $str = 'test';
    $a = array('some', 'sub', 'page');

    You could first initialize the resulting array this way, dealing with that special case of the last item :

    $arr = array($a[count($a)-1] => $str);

    Then, you can loop over each item of your $a array, starting from the end (and not working on the last item, which we've dealt with already) :

    for ($i=count($a) - 2 ; $i>=0 ; $i--) {
        $arr = array($a[$i] => $arr);

    With this, dumping the resulting array :


    Should get you the expected result :

      'some' => 
          'sub' => 
              'page' => string 'test' (length=4)

    Old answer below, before understanding the question :

    You could declare your array this way :

    $arr = array(
        'some' => array(
            'sub' => array(
                'page' => $str, 

    Or, using several distinct steps (might be easier, depending on the way you construct your sub-arrays, especially in a more complex case than the current example) :

    $sub2 = array('page' => $str);
    $sub1 = array('sub' => $sub2);
    $arr = array('some' => $sub1);