
wrap v-slot element in different parent based on condition

I have a template:

<template v-slot:title>
  {{ $t('title') }}

and a component:

<v-col cols="12">
 <h5 class="text-h5">
   <slot name="title" />

I want to wrap the slot with an <h4> tag only for one particular instance. I tried wrapping it inside the template, but it had no effect. How can I swap the element that wraps the slot?


  • You could pass the type of tag you want to the component using a non mandatory prop and wrap the content into a dynamic component based on the passed value (in the example h2, h3 and h4 are correct values)

    In the component template :

    <v-col cols="12">
      <component :is="wrapper" :class="`text-${wrapper}`">
        <slot name="title" />

    In the component script :

    props: {
      wrapper: {
        type     : String,
        required : false,
        default  : 'h5',
        validator: value => [ 'h2', 'h3', 'h4' ].includes(value)