
How can I specify max_results parameter if I am using Python script for Google Product Search API?

While searching a product_set using command line, we can set a parameter features.max Results to limit the number of items returned in the response.

Field-specific considerations:

features.maxResults - The maximum number of results to be returned.

But how can I pass this parameter while running the python script provided here?

Also, does this parameter affect the response time?


  • The documentation is really not very well written, but I found that you just have to add the parameter max_results=<max> inside the method product_search as following:

    response = image_annotator_client.product_search(
            image, image_context=image_context,max_results=2)

    To confirm that it works, I've added the an debug line inside the file on the google library /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/cloud/vision_helpers/

    And when I run the code, I get the printout of the request made to the api, and as you can see, the parameter is correctly defined:

    # python3 


    {'image': source {
      image_uri: "gs://<bucket>/short-blue.jpeg"
    , 'features': [{'type_': <Type.PRODUCT_SEARCH: 12>, 'max_results': 2}], 'image_context': product_search_params {
      product_set: "projects/<project>/locations/us-west1/productSets/product-set-name"
      product_categories: "apparel-v2"
      filter: "color:blue"
    Product set index time: 
    Search results: