
Does number of physical partitions go down when data is deleted and provisioned throughput lowered?

So, in short, does number of physical partitions always go up only or can it go down? (e.g. when a lot of data gets deleted and provisioned RUs lowered)

If it can go down, how&when that happens?


  • Cosmos DB scales capacity via additional physical partitions. As storage capacity needs grow, or RU/sec needs grow, a physical partition may be split into multiple physical partitions (with logical partitions then distributed across the physical partitions, keeping each logical partition within a single physical partition).

    Once these new physical partitions are created, that is the new minimum baseline capacity for a particular container (or set of containers, if using shared resources). Logical partitions may come and go, but physical partitions only scale out: they may split, but they cannot be merged later.

    The only way to shrink the number of physical partitions today: migrate data to a new collection. During migration though, just remember to keep the destination collection's RU/sec low enough to not cause a partition-split in that collection.

    Note: Partition-merge is now available in Preview, with some limitations.