Nhibernate (Fluent), Ninject.Mvc3, and Web Activator

I am working on an ASP .NET Mvc 3 App and have installed Ninject.Mvc3 using Nuget. I now have the App_Start folder and then ninject class. I have seen plenty of examples on how to configure NHibernate in the Global.asax file. So how do I configure the session before handing it Ninject if I am using the Web Activator class? Do I just do it like normal in the global.asax?,


  • Bob Cravens has a nice series of posts on how to do this:

    Using the Repository Pattern with MVC and NHibernate

    Using an IoC container (like Ninject) with a NHibernate inside ASP.NET MVC

    Any responsible web developer knows that managing / disposing of objects and resources is critical to good web application development. Please make sure and read this bit too :-)