
Adapting the forwarding to Flask application with routes and static files with the Apache 2

There is a Flask Application running on the It encapsulates some Bootstrap and static files provided in gis_webapp/static/... which works the way it should.

This is the tree of the project:

├── static
│   ├── bootstrap-4.6.0-dist
│   │   ├── css
│   │   └── js
│   ├── css
│   │   └── style.css
│   └── img
│       ├── favicon.png
│       └── glogo.gif
└── templates
    ├── about.html
    ├── base.html
    ├── contact.html
    ├── errors
    │   └── 404.html
    ├── index.html
    └── result.html

As soon as I apply the forwarding through the Apache2 with the mod_auth_gssapi that runs on the same server via ( using the that has to inherit the whole content of the, the following things stop to work:

  1. Communication between routes

    When I click on the contact link in the navigation bar it brings me to (which does not exist) instead of

  2. The content from the /static folder

  3. Bootstrap from the gis_webapp/static/bootstrap-4.6.0-dist folder

What am I doing wrong?

The content of the .conf file is the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    <Location /gis/>
        ProxyPass "http://localhost:5000/"
        ProxyPassReverse "http://localhost:5000/"

I have found some suggestion in these threads and tried to apply the suggestions:

Unfortunately they don't solve my issue.

I also tried to modify the paths in my file.

# main page
@gis_webapp.route("/", methods=["GET"])
@gis_webapp.route("/index", methods=["GET"])
def index():
    return render_template("index.html", title="GIS")

was rewritten as:

# main page
@gis_webapp.route("/gis/", methods=["GET"])
@gis_webapp.route("/gis/index", methods=["GET"])
def index():
    return render_template("index.html", title="GIS")

I also found this thread Serving static files through apache that suggest to apply the ALIAS, however it is not a solution for me, because later Apache2 and Flask Application gonna be on different servers. However, there is an opinion: that the statics need to be distributed by the Apache, even if you then spread it across different servers, then it is better to mount the statics to where the Apache is.

Till now I could partially solve the 2. and 3. issues with adjustments done in 'base.html', so this reference:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/static/img/favicon.png">

was changed to:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/gis/static/img/favicon.png">

So, afterwards I could see the content of the /static folder on the page but it disappears when I open it though ... do not understand why. Any ideas?


  • Solution was to deploy the SCRIPT_NAME variable and Gunicorn as suggested in this article:

    SCRIPT_NAME="/gis" gunicorn --bind= gis_webapp:gis_webapp

    After that I was able to access the application via

    However the initial URL was yielding the Internal Server Error. To overcome it, simply use the