I'm trying to debug an larger osascript 'do shell script' program and have narrowed the problem down to a much shorter repro case that I don't understand at all. Here's the repro case:
osascript -e 'do shell script "echo 123; echo 45; echo 6"'
Gives me the output:
Can anybody explain what's going on? It's almost like 'do shell script' does not properly handle line endings, or tries to print everything on one line.
Applescript replaces \n characters with \r characters when reading the output of a shell script. You can tell this is happening by running the output through od -c
$ osascript -e 'do shell script "echo 123; echo 45; echo 6"' | od -c
0000000 1 2 3 \r 4 5 \r 6 \n
To turn this off, use the without altering line endings
osascript -e 'do shell script "echo 123; echo 45; echo 6" without altering line endings'
See Technical Note TN2065 for more.