
osascript 'do shell script' line endings

I'm trying to debug an larger osascript 'do shell script' program and have narrowed the problem down to a much shorter repro case that I don't understand at all. Here's the repro case:

osascript -e 'do shell script "echo 123; echo 45; echo 6"'

Gives me the output:


Can anybody explain what's going on? It's almost like 'do shell script' does not properly handle line endings, or tries to print everything on one line.


  • Applescript replaces \n characters with \r characters when reading the output of a shell script. You can tell this is happening by running the output through od -c:

    $ osascript -e 'do shell script "echo 123; echo 45; echo 6"' | od -c
    0000000    1   2   3  \r   4   5  \r   6  \n                            

    To turn this off, use the without altering line endings parameter.

     osascript -e 'do shell script "echo 123; echo 45; echo 6" without altering line endings'

    See Technical Note TN2065 for more.