
How do I query a list of countries in separate boxes?

I want to produce a report that lists all the observation dates and, for each date, lists the total number of people fully vaccinated in each one of the 4 countries used in this assignment. people_fully_vaccinated needs to be inner join with location the first image is the format required.

the first image is the format required

the second image contains the data: the second image contains the data


  • you can use:

    select date, 
           sum(case when country = 'country 1' then vacinated_count else 0 end) as country1count, 
           sum(case when country = 'country 2' then vacinated_count else 0 end) as country2count,
    from table 
    group by date

    considering you have vaciniated people count ready for each country in a table.