
After conda update, python kernel crashes when matplotlib is used

I have create this simple env with conda:

conda create -n test python=3.8.5 pandas scipy numpy matplotlib seaborn jupyterlab

The following code in jupyter lab crashes the kernel :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


I don't face the problem on Linux. The problem is when I try on Windows 10.

There are no errors on the jupyter lab console (where I started the server), and I have no idea where to investigate.


  • Update 2021-11-06



      2021-10-31 10:47:22  (rev 3)
         bokeh  {2.3.3 (defaults/win-64) -> 2.4.1 (defaults/win-64)}
         click  {8.0.1 (defaults/noarch) -> 8.0.3 (defaults/noarch)}
         filelock  {3.0.12 (defaults/noarch) -> 3.3.1 (defaults/noarch)}
         freetype  {2.10.4 (defaults/win-64) -> 2.11.0 (defaults/win-64)}
         imagecodecs  {2021.6.8 (defaults/win-64) -> 2021.8.26 (defaults/win-64)}
         joblib  {1.0.1 (defaults/noarch) -> 1.1.0 (defaults/noarch)}
         lerc  {2.2.1 (defaults/win-64) -> 3.0 (defaults/win-64)}
         more-itertools  {8.8.0 (defaults/noarch) -> 8.10.0 (defaults/noarch)}
         pyopenssl  {20.0.1 (defaults/noarch) -> 21.0.0 (defaults/noarch)}
         scikit-learn  {0.24.2 (defaults/win-64) -> 1.0.1 (defaults/win-64)}
         statsmodels  {0.12.2 (defaults/win-64) -> 0.13.0 (defaults/win-64)}
         sympy  {1.8 (defaults/win-64) -> 1.9 (defaults/win-64)}
         tqdm  {4.62.2 (defaults/noarch) -> 4.62.3 (defaults/noarch)}
         xlwings  {0.24.7 (defaults/win-64) -> 0.24.9 (defaults/win-64)}