Currently using WSL2, C++20, with the preprocessor directives #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1
, #include <panel.h>
, and flags -lpanelw -lncursesw
Using the code provided below when I try to add the "Red Heart ❤️" character in ncurses, it causes weird bugs on the terminal window, especially when I encase it with a box. I've gotten the same problem on my MacBook as well. When I put the unicode character in a string "❤️"
, it gives me a const char[7]
, as opposed to many other unicode characters that give a const char[5]
. Could this have something to do with the cause of the bugs? I would really appreciate it if someone could give me some insight into this problem.
(Ignore the cursor at the bottom right of some of the pictures, that's just a cursor problem with the terminal in VS Code).
1 Red Heart:
2 Red Hearts:
2 Purple Hearts:
#include <panel.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
WINDOW *win {newwin(8, 16, 10, 10)};
box(win, 0, 0);
mvwaddwstr(win, 1, 1, L"❤️");
mvwaddwstr(win, 1, 5, L"❤️");
The "character" "❤️" you are using is not actually a single character. It is composed of two Unicode characters, "❤"(U+2764) and a modifying U+FE0F, "VARIATION SELECTOR-16" which gives the red style of the emoji.
You can verify the encoded form of a string by typing echo -n ❤️ | hexdump -C
in WSL console, which should output
00000000 e2 9d a4 ef b8 8f |......|
Or with Python,
In [1]: heart="❤️"
In [2]: len(heart)
Out[2]: 2
In [3]: hex(ord(heart[0]))
Out[3]: '0x2764'
In [4]: hex(ord(heart[1]))
Out[4]: '0xfe0f'
More about Variation Selectors.