
How to run method with delay in separate thread if condition is still valid

I need some help, please. I need to run showErrorMessage(errorMessage) with some delay (2 sec) in separate thread. But if user continues typing and result==true before showErrorMessage method runs, I need to stop executing it.

private class DirectoryVarFieldEditor extends DirectoryFieldEditor
     * Initial path for the Browse dialog.
    private File filterPath = null;
    public DirectoryVarFieldEditor(String name, String labelText, Composite parent) {
      //super( name, labelText, parent );
      init(name, labelText);
    // another code...
    protected boolean doCheckState() {
      String fileName = getTextControl().getText();
      fileName = fileName.trim();
      fileName = TCA3DNKernel.expandEnvironmentVariables(fileName);
      if (fileName.length() == 0 && isEmptyStringAllowed()) 
        return true;
      File file = new File(fileName);
      return file.isDirectory();
    protected boolean checkState()
      boolean result = false;
      boolean emptyStringAllowed = super.isEmptyStringAllowed();
      Text textField = super.getTextControl();
      String errorMessage = getErrorMessage();
      if (emptyStringAllowed)
        result = true;
      if (textField == null)
        result = false;
      } else
        String txt = textField.getText();
        result = (txt.trim().length() > 0) || emptyStringAllowed;
      // call hook for subclasses
      result = result && doCheckState();
      if (result)
      } else
        // showErrorMessage method shoud run with delay:
      return result;
    // another code...


Thanks for any hint!!!


  • In SWT/JFace you can't call GUI operations on background threads (this is the same in most GUI systems).

    For this I would use Display.timerExec to run a method after the two seconds. Set a flag if the user types something that the method can check. timerExec runs the code in the UI thread so there are no problems with background threads.

    private boolean dataEntered;
    dataEntered = false;
    Display.getCurrent().timerExec(2_000, () -> {
      if (!dataEntered && !getTextControl().isDisposed()) {
    ... other code sets dataEntered = true if data is entered

    The !getTextControl().isDisposed() check deals with the dialog being closed before the 2 seconds expires.