
How can I implement openllet reasoner to my stain/jena-fuseki Docker image

I've had some issues at implementing built-in jena-fuseki reasoner, I could make it work but it would not prevent me from adding incorrect triples. So I wanted to add Openllet reasoner to my jena-fuseki server.

But I can't figure how to add openllet jar to my Docker image and make it work, I've run into many java dependances issues. To add context, my docker-compose looks like that :

    hostname: jena-fuseki

      context: .
      dockerfile: server.Dockerfile
    restart: always
      - 3030:3030
      - ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin
      - FUSEKI_DATASET_1=ds

my server.Dockerfile looks like that, what I'm doing is copying my config/ontologies files to my image aswell as my openllet jar, I'm then trying to execute it which produce this issue: jena-fuseki-server_1 | /bin/sh: 1: [java,: not found

FROM stain/jena-fuseki:4.0.0

#This is made to stop Issue with JVM locks

RUN apt-get update; \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends procps

RUN mkdir -p /fuseki/ontologies/
RUN mkdir -p /fuseki/configuration/
RUN mkdir -p /fuseki/inference/

RUN mkdir -p /fuseki
WORKDIR /fuseki

COPY server/openllet inference
COPY server/configuration configuration
COPY server/test ontologies

CMD ["java", "-jar", inference/openllet-distribution-2.6.5-sources.jar]

My configuration file call is inspired by this without the tdb because i'm only testing for now, she looks like this and worked for OWLMini + Generic

@prefix tdb:   <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix ja:    <> .
@prefix fuseki: <> .

<#service1> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
    fuseki:name                       "ds" ;       # http://host:port/ds
    fuseki:serviceQuery               "sparql" ;   # SPARQL query service
    fuseki:serviceQuery               "query" ;    # SPARQL query service (alt name)
    fuseki:serviceUpdate              "update" ;   # SPARQL update service
    fuseki:serviceUpload              "upload" ;   # Non-SPARQL upload service
    fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore "data" ;     # SPARQL Graph store protocol (read and write)
    # A separate read-only graph store endpoint:
    fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore      "get" ;      # SPARQL Graph store protocol (read only)
    fuseki:dataset                   <#dataset> ;

<#dataset> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
    ja:defaultGraph <#modelInf> ;

<#modelInf> rdf:type ja:InfModel ;
    ja:content [ja:externalContent <file:/fuseki/ontologies/server_famille.ttl> ; ] ;
    ja:reasoner   [
        ja:reasonerClass    "openllet.jena.PelletReasonerFactory" ; ]

I'm using the familly ontology for testing purposes,

What else have you tried ?

I've been trying things described in the links bellow, most of them has been resolved and lead me to other issues which made me have to think otherwise :

I also run a lot into this issue

ERROR Exception in initialization: the class 'openllet.jena.PelletReasonerFactory' required by the object 34064d96e625bd1f4718dc614ac47d38 [ja:reasoner of file:///fuseki/configuration/db_tdb.ttl#modelInf] could not be loaded

People usually use Openllet for maven or coupled with a Java project but i'm only using config file and a Backend API to make calls, everything is configured in what I've shown you.
Since I'm still new to docker and jena-fuseki, it may be a conceptual issue with what I am trying to do, so if you have any idea about where should I seek more information, I will be very thankfull.


  • I couldn't find anything from google but I find this on github : The answer

    I followed his step by downloading the jar into my server/openllet and extracted the file so I could copy them in the new extra folder with all dependencies

    Here is my Dockerfile :

    FROM stain/jena-fuseki:4.0.0
    #This is made to stop Issue with JVM locks
    RUN apt-get update; \
        apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends procps
    RUN mkdir -p /fuseki/ontologies/
    RUN mkdir -p /fuseki/configuration/
    RUN mkdir -p /fuseki/extra/
    RUN mkdir -p /fuseki
    WORKDIR /fuseki
    COPY server/openllet/jar_files extra
    COPY server/configuration configuration
    COPY server/test ontologies

    I could still verify SWRL inference. without having to use the built in GenericRuleReasoner + OWLMiniReasoner