
elasticsearch-ruby: transforms

We can read into the elasticsearch-ruby CHANGELOG (Vewsion 7.7.0) That we have New API Endpoints availables. Transforms included. Here they are.

We are using elasticsearch-ruby 7.15.0. But don't know how to use it.

Here is my example...

require 'elasticsearch'

elasticsearch =
  cloud_id: '******',
  user: '******',
  password: '******',
  log: false

elasticsearch.transform.stop_transform transform_id: 'my_transform' 

But we get an error...

/usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/elasticsearch-7.15.0/lib/elasticsearch.rb:43:in `method_missing': undefined method `transform' for #<Elasticsearch::Client:0x0000556a2ad72bb8> (NoMethodError)

The code it's inside the folder /lib/elasticsearch/api/actions. Just as indices.

We can use indices like that...

if elasticsearch.indices.exists? index: 'mi_index'
  <do what ever we want>

We can't find nothing into de doc.

So, how can we use the transform endopints?


  • Thanks to @picandocodigo.

    The elasticsearch-xpack gem was deprecated and its endpoints (like those under the transform namespace) were merged into elasticsearch-api, but only for main and the 8.x version. In 7.x versions of the client, you still need to install and require the elasticsearch-xpack gem. You can see the code here for 7.15.

    So you need to do something like:

    require 'elasticsearch'
    require 'elasticsearch/xpack'
    client =
    client.transform.stop_transform(transform_id: 'my_transform' )