I am trying just simple connect to influxdb which started on localhost.
When I try just client:
influx --host --port 8086
It works.
But when I try python:
import os
import json
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point, WritePrecision
influxdb_url = os.environ['INFLUXDB_URL']
influxdb_host = os.environ['INFLUXDB_HOST']
influxdb_port = os.environ['INFLUXDB_PORT']
client = InfluxDBClient(url=influxdb_url)
I got exception
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'token'
But cli client can not connect without any tokens? Why do I need it in python? What token to use?
InfluxDB 2.0 requires an authentication token for all API access. The client library is using the same APIs as anything else, so it needs a token to securely connect to InfluxDB.
You can create an auth token from the CLI or the GUI itself.