I would like to dynamically add a carousel of images within a shiny dashboard based on a filtered list. I have tried the shinydashboardPlus package as well as the slickR package but can't seem to get either of them to work.
Tried my best to reproduce a short example using shinydashboardPlus. Not opposed to using other packages.
df <- data.frame(
name = c("rose", "carnation", "hydrangea"),
color = c("red", "pink", "blue"),
Picture = c("rose.jpg", "carnation.jpg", "hydrangea.jpg")
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Dynamic Carousel",
titleWidth =300
dashboardSidebar(width = 300,
pickerInput(inputId = "color",
label = "Options",
pickerOptions(width = "fit"),
choices = df$color,
selected = df$color,
multiple = TRUE,
options = pickerOptions(actionsBox = TRUE, dropupAuto = FALSE))
fluidRow(width = 6,
fluidRow(width = 12,
server <- function(input, output) {
filtered <- reactive({
df %>%
filter(color %in% input$color)
images <- reactive({
images <- lapply(filtered()$Picture,function(x){
htmltools::tags$img(src = x)
output$carousel <- renderUI({
items = Map(function(i) {carouselItem(
tags$img(src = images()[[i]])
carousel(indicators = TRUE,
id = "carousel",
.list = items
output$table <- renderDT(filtered())
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
It seems the problem is how you are building the list of items
. Your images()
reactive variable already has the image tags. So you don't need to use tags$img
again when you build the list. Also you using the Map()
function but you don't seem to actually be mapping over any values. Try
items <- Map(function(img) {carouselItem(img)}, images())
This will wrap all your image tags in the proper carouselItem()
Also you can't give your carousel()
the same ID as your uiOutput()
. Make sure they have distinct IDs otherwise the javascript will get confused.