
Finding coordinates from heading and distance in R

I want to get the coordinates of new points, preferably using the sf package, when the inital positions and the distance and heading traveled is known. Consider this; we have three points (pts), with a heading and a distance in km attached. How to find the coordinates for the new positions?

library(data.table, dplyr, sf)
dat <- data.table(lon = c(10,10.1,10.4), lat = c(58.4,57.4,57.8), 
                      heading = c(45,10,235), distance_km = c(1,5.3,3))
pts <- dat %>%
      sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon","lat")) %>%

Simple feature collection with 3 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 10 ymin: 57.4 xmax: 10.4 ymax: 58.4
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
  heading distance_km          geometry
1      45         1.0   POINT (10 58.4)
2      10         5.3 POINT (10.1 57.4)
3     235         3.0 POINT (10.4 57.8)

Was considering making circles around the points, but dont know how to connect the point to the circle with the correct heading.

buf <- st_buffer(pts, dist = pts$distance_km*1000)
circ <- st_cast(buf, "LINESTRING")


  • Found the answer here: Calculate coordinate from starting point, having distance and an angle for all quadrants and here: Convert radians to degree / degree to radians

    Will post my R solution for completeness. If anyone has a better or more smooth solution, feel free to post it.

    library(data.table, sf, mapview)
    dat <- data.table(lon = c(10,10.1,10.4), lat = c(58.4,57.4,57.8), 
                      heading = c(45,10,235), distance_km = c(1,5.3,3))
    pts <- dat %>%
      sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon","lat")) %>%
    pts <- st_transform(pts, 32632)
    pts$utm_n <- st_coordinates(pts)[,1]
    pts$utm_e <- st_coordinates(pts)[,2]
    buf <- st_buffer(pts, dist = pts$distance_km*1000)
    circ <- st_cast(buf, "LINESTRING")
    rad2deg <- function(rad) {(rad * 180) / (pi)}
    deg2rad <- function(deg) {(deg * pi) / (180)}
    pts$newp_e <- pts$utm_e + (pts$distance_km*1000* cos(deg2rad(pts$heading)))
    pts$newp_n <- pts$utm_n + (pts$distance_km*1000* sin(deg2rad(pts$heading)))
    dt <- data.table(pts)
    pts2 <- dt %>%
      sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("newp_n", "newp_e")) %>%
    mapview(pts2) + mapview(pts, zcol = "heading") + mapview(circ)