so in the last printf, i wanted to take 2 first characters from user input using fgets. I did that but it seems there is a problem with these 2 digits outputs. There's an unexpected character in the last word, how do i remove that? Im using code block C Languange and with GNU GCC Compiler.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char nama[20],alamat[30],kota[20],jenis_kelamin[2];
char nama2[4],alamat2[4],kota2[4];
int nomor;
printf("Enter your name = ");
printf("Nama = %s\n",nama);
printf("Enter your address = ");
printf("Alamat = %s\n",alamat);
printf("Enter your city name = ");
printf("Kota = %s\n",kota);
printf("Masukkan Jenis Kelamin Anda Dengan Huruf L atau P = ");
printf("Kelamin = %s\n",jenis_kelamin);
printf("\nMasukkan Nomor NIM = ");
printf("Nomor = %d\n",nomor);
printf(" Your name is * %s",nama);
printf(" Your address is * %s",alamat);
printf(" Your cith name is * %s",kota);
printf(" Jenis Kelamin anda adalah * %s\n",jenis_kelamin);
printf(" Nomor NIM anda adalah * %d ",nomor);
printf(" 2 First Character of your Name* %s\n",nama2);
printf(" 2 First Character of your Address* %s\n",alamat2);
printf(" 2 First Character of your City* %s",kota2);
return 0;
However when i run this the output is not what i expected:
Your name is * Mark
Your address is * GPA
Your city name is * New York
Jenis Kelamin anda adalah * L
Nomor NIM anda adalah * 13
2 First Character of your Name * Ma√⌂L
2 First Character of your Address * GPå¬Ma√⌂L
2 First Character of your City * Ne
There is a weird character in the last word of name and city. Like å¬Ma√⌂L and √⌂L
It should be like this:
2 First Character of your Name * Ma
2 First Character of your Address * GP
2 First Character of your City * Ne
How to solve this? What did i miss? Thank you.
You did not copy zero terminating character. strncpy
does not copy it when the length of string exceeds the limit.
alamat2[2] = '\0';
// etc...
Let's say fflush(stdin);
is invalid. Do not use it.