So I have this code where I try to find if two meshes intersect or not:
import maya.cmds as cmds
import pymel.core as pmc
mesh_list ="mesh")
char_transform = pmc.listRelatives(mesh_list,parent=True)
def vtxPose(mesh):
return pmc.general.PyNode(mesh).getPoints()
transform_list = iter(char_transform)
next_one = next(transform_list)
for one in transform_list:
cmds.polyCBoolOp(one, next_one, op=3, n="intersection")
vtx_list = vtxPose("intersection")
if len(vtx_list) > 0:
print("intersection found")
print("no intersection found")
Anyways, when I execute it Maya gives this error:
# Error: TypeError: file <maya console> line 14: Object pSphere1 is invalid #
I can't find the problem(i'm not very experienced in coding especially in Maya:( ) I also thought about doing the same thing with OpenMaya's MFnMesh::allIntersections() but thought that learning how to use that one can be time consuming.
So, if you could tell me my code's problem that'd be cool;)
Thanks in advance
The problem seems to be that you mix pymel and maya.cmds. If you change the cmds.polyCBoolOp() to pmc.polyCBoolOp() it should work, or if you want to use cmds, you can convert the pymel objects to string.