
How can I rearrange celery flower default columns?

I am using the following versions:



Which gives me the following display for a tasks page with several columns:

enter image description here

Each time I enter this page I end up rearranging the page to have columns in a different order and I change the ordering for the rows to be descending.

What I want to know is if there is some way to configure it to have the columns and rows in that order by default. i.e. Name -> State -> args -> Result -> UUID descending instead of Name -> UUID -> State -> args -> Result ascending

I haven't been able to find any mention of this in the docs, is there a configuration I can use to achieve this?


  • Apparently there are no customizable column sorting in flower. According to the comment of flower's owner on Github issues [Jul 6, 2020]:

    There are no plans to work on this feature at the moment until someone decides to contribute to the project.

    But, there is a merged pull request into flower's master branch that makes flower show the recent tasks on top in tasks page [Ordered by Started DESC]. You can install the Development version in order to change the default sorting if it helps:

    $ pip install https://github.com/mher/flower/zipball/master#egg=flower