
Access Denied. Not Authorized to use this application - when trying to instantiate a com+ object intermittent error

Set up:

Server running Windows 2012.

Application with user interface exe written in VB6 is installed on a server and all users connect via RDP to run it.

Business object dll created with VB6 installed in COM+ on the same server. When the application starts, it instantiate the dll.


From time to time, and more so recently, the application encounters an error with the description "Access Denied. Not Authorized to use this application". The fix so far was to reboot the server.

At this point, I am able to point to COM+. After getting the error, it seems that the object in COM+ is not active (not spinning). When I Clicked on "Shut down", and open the application again, it works fine.

It is intermittent. A week can go by without having the issue, and sometimes it happens more than once a day.


Did anyone experienced similar issue, and what was the cause and the fix?

Can you suggest how to further troubleshoot this issue? Is it resources issues - memory, cpu, network, security update?




  • For those who will stumble upon this question: It turned out to be an issue with our code and not an issue in COM+. We are using MTS property group management to save a unique token created when a user logs in and authenticate when app is calling our dll sending this token. We authenticate it by getting an array stored in the mts propery group. All tokens have a time to leave. For many years it worked perfectly. It start failing because we got a duplicate token which broke our authentication code. We believe that it had to do with new users who opened our application multiple times and very rapidly. This also explains why it was so intermittent. Once we discovered that, we were able to recreate the issue. The solution was to add a GUID to the token to ensure uniqueness. It had been now more than 3 days with out getting the error.