
Getting the first argument passed to the cli

Trying just to write a simple script that would return the SHA256 signature of a file using the file name passed to my ps1 script :

The scriptname is sha256sum.ps1.

The first argument will be any file, example :

sha256sum.ps1 dummy.exe

I tried these inside sha256sum.ps1 :

Get-FileHash -algo SHA256 %1
Get-FileHash -algo SHA256 $1
Get-FileHash -algo SHA256 $args[1]

but none of them worked.

Is there a simple way to do that ?

EDIT : Here is the final version of my script thanks to your help, guys :)

#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
param( $firstArg )

function calcSignature( $filename ) {
    $scriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath
    switch( $scriptName ) {
        "md5sum.ps1"    { $algo = "MD5";    Break }
        "sha1sum.ps1"   { $algo = "SHA1";   Break }
        "sha256sum.ps1" { $algo = "SHA256"; Break }
        "sha384sum.ps1" { $algo = "SHA384"; Break }
        "sha512sum.ps1" { $algo = "SHA512"; Break }
    (Get-FileHash -algo $algo $filename).Hash + "  " + $filename

calcSignature( $firstArg )

Now I only have one script and the others are links pointing to sha256sum.ps1.


  • I'm guessing you're looking for "How to pass an argument to your .ps1 script".

    This is an example of how the script sha256sum.ps1 would look:

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', Mandatory)]
        [string[]] $LiteralPath,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path', Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [string[]] $Path
    (Get-FileHash @PSBoundParameters -Algorithm SHA256).Hash

    Now, if we were to call this script, as an example:

    PS \> .\sha256sum.ps1 .\test.html

    Note: the current directory is where the script and the html file are located, if that was not the case, you should use the absolute path.

    I would recommend you to the official docs to get a concept on functions and the param(...) block.