
Why Chromium doesn't open in headless mode?

I have the following NodeJS code to open Chromium in headless mode and record a web page to a video :

    const { launch, getStream }  = require("puppeteer-stream");
    const fs = require("fs");
    const { exec } = require("child_process");

    async function test() {         
        const browser = await launch({headless: true});

        const page = await browser.newPage();
        await page.goto("");
        const stream = await getStream(page, { audio: true, video: true});
        // record the web page to mp4 video
        const ffmpeg = exec('ffmpeg -y -i - output.mp4');


        setTimeout(async () => {
            await stream.destroy();
            stream.on("end", () => {});
        }, 1000 * 60);

The following code works properly but doesn't open Chromium in headless mode. No matter what I do, the browser is still opened and visible when browsing the page. No error is thrown.

Why is it not opened in headless mode?


  • It says in the documentation for puppeteer-stream:

    Notice: This will only work in headful mode

    This is due to a limitation of Chromium where the Tab Capture API for the extension doesn't work in headless mode. (There are a couple bug reports about this, but I can't find the links at the moment.)