I've been trying to use TestProject OpenSDK for Python to generate HTML test reports for my automated tests (with pytest), but I'm getting the following error: No module named 'src.testproject'.
I've followed the directions laid out on the project's GitHub: https://github.com/testproject-io/python-opensdk but I'm not sure what the problem is.
All my fixtures are in a single file called conftest.py. The code is below.
import pytest
import json
from src.testproject.sdk.drivers import webdriver
CONFIG_PATH = 'tests/config.json'
SUPPORTED_BROWSERS = ['chrome','firefox']
def config():
with open(CONFIG_PATH) as config_file:
data = json.load(config_file)
return data
def config_browser(config):
if 'browser' not in config:
raise Exception('The config file does not contain "browser"')
elif config['browser'] not in SUPPORTED_BROWSERS:
raise Exception(f'"{config["browser"]}" is not a supported browser')
return config['browser']
def config_wait_time(config):
return config['wait_time'] if 'wait_time' in config else DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
def browser(config_browser, config_wait_time):
if config_browser == 'chrome':
driver = webdriver.Chrome(token='6oBP2BZTPq9zluYpix_3sbwJzP4w005KZOn5bsrMzF01')
elif config_browser == 'firefox':
driver = webdriver.Firefox(token='6oBP2BZTPq9zluYpix_3sbwJzP4w005KZOn5bsrMzF01')
raise Exception(f'"{config["browser"]}" is not supported')
yield driver
The import statement at the top is consistent with the instructions, and I made the necessary changes to the "browser" fixture (the last fixture in the file) to the effect of passing a developer token as an argument to the driver constructor.
The conftest.py file and the JSON config file are both in the tests directory along with the test drivers, but I run the tests from the next highest directory: WebUI_testing, so I'm not sure why it's complaining.
Edit 1 I tried copying the src directory (which contains testproject) from it's location on my C: drive (C:\Python39\Lib\site-packages) directly to the tests directory, but testproject needs a lot more stuff that's also in the site-packages directory. So instead of copying everything I need to make it work out of site-packages, what do I need to do? Can I put the whole path into the import statement somehow?
I added the following line of code to conftest.py:
And now I can produce test reports in human-readable HTML format. Complete code as follows:
import pytest
import json
import sys
from src.testproject.sdk.drivers import webdriver
CONFIG_PATH = 'tests/config.json'
SUPPORTED_BROWSERS = ['chrome','firefox']
def config():
with open(CONFIG_PATH) as config_file:
data = json.load(config_file)
return data
def config_browser(config):
if 'browser' not in config:
raise Exception('The config file does not contain "browser"')
elif config['browser'] not in SUPPORTED_BROWSERS:
raise Exception(f'"{config["browser"]}" is not a supported browser')
return config['browser']
def config_wait_time(config):
return config['wait_time'] if 'wait_time' in config else DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
def browser(config_browser, config_wait_time):
if config_browser == 'chrome':
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
report_path="C:\\Users\\Trevor\\source\\repos\\ASP.NET project_2\\WebUI_testing\\reports")
elif config_browser == 'firefox':
driver = webdriver.Firefox(
report_path="C:\\Users\\Trevor\\source\\repos\\ASP.NET project_2\\WebUI_testing\\reports")
raise Exception(f'"{config["browser"]}" is not supported')
yield driver