Currently I am trying to model the Dantzig Fulkerson Johnson Subtour elimination constraints in CPLEX.
I want to generate all the possible subsets of customers {"1", "2", "3", "4"} in ILOG Script.
For this, first I created a tuple structure that contains a set of strings where all the customers involved in a subtour can be stored:
tuple subtour {
{string} customers;
Now, I can create a set of subtour where I can store all the subtours:
{subtour} subtours;
I create an empty set of strings to help out in the execute-block:
{string} emptySet;
Now I create my execute-block: (In this first step, I am just trying to fill subtours with the subtours containing just one customer as a first test, e.g. in the first iteration subtours = {<{"1"}>, <{"2"}>,...}
execute FillSubtours {
for(var i in customers) {
So after this procedure, the goal is to have subtours like this:
subtours = {<{"1"}>, <{"2"}>, <{"3"}>, <{"4"}>}
Containing all the possible subtours with one element.
Sadly it looks the following:
subtours = {<{"4"}>}
Does anyone know where this went wrong and how I can fix it?
Within how to with OPL you could have a look at powerset
and then you can rewrite your model into
{string} customers= {"1", "2", "3", "4"} ;
tuple subtour {
{string} customers;
range r=1.. ftoi(pow(2,card(customers)));
{string} s2 [k in r] = {i | i in customers:
((k div (ftoi(pow(2,(ord(customers,i))))) mod 2) == 1)};
{subtour} subtours={<s2[k]> | k in r};
which gives
{<{"1"}> <{"2"}> <{"1" "2"}> <{"3"}> <{"1" "3"}> <{"2" "3"}>
<{"1" "2" "3"}> <{"4"}> <{"1" "4"}> <{"2" "4"}>
<{"1" "2" "4"}> <{"3" "4"}> <{"1" "3" "4"}> <{"2" "3" "4"}>
<{"1" "2" "3" "4"}> <{}>}