
GCP Cloud Data transfer - any notifications?

I want to build a small solution that will transfer files from Azure to GCP. The solution itself works fine, but I don't see any solution anywhere that could inform me that the transfer started, ended or there was an error (e.g. on Slack). I can't see anything in the logs that could help me. I tried to do it with PUB/SUB but without any luck.

Is there any easy way to connect Data Transfer with slack or e-mail?



  • At this point in time, the Cloud Data transfer service has no way to send notifications(mail/slack/etc), you could try to implement something by monitoring the logs of the GCS bucket.

    In the case you are mentioning, you could be monitoring the logs of GCS looking for writes, and send a notification based on that, nevertheless, it would take some fine tuning on your side.

    I would also recommend to create a feature request here so that Google knows that this feature is needed and they themselves implement it in the future.