
SCIM PATCH library

I am implementing SCIM provisioning for my current project, and I am trying to implement the PATCH method and it seems not that easy.

What I read in the RFC is that SCIM PATCH is almost like JSON PATCH, but when I look deeper it seems a bit different on how the path is described which doesn't allow me to use json-patch libraries.


"path":"addresses[type eq \"work\"]"

"path":"members[value eq

Do you know any library that is doing SCIM PATCH out of the box? My project is currently a node project, but I don't care about the language I can rewrite it in javascript if needed.


I have finally create my own library for that, it is called scim-patch and it is available on npm


  • Since I did not found any typescript library to implement scim patch operations, I have implemented my own library.

    You can find it here: