
Copying CSV to PostgreSQL database using Psycopg3 in Python

I'm having a little difficulty understanding appropriate syntax for the psycopg3 library in Python. I'm trying to copy the contents of a .csv file into my database. The PostgreSQL documentation indicates copy should be written as follows:

COPY table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]
    FROM { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' | STDIN }
    [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ]
    [ WHERE condition ]

so I wrote my python statement as follows:

import psycopg

with psycopg.connect('dbname=ideatest user=postgres password=password') as conn: 
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            mock_idea_info = open(r'C:\dir\filename.csv')
            cur.copy('public.ideastorage FROM C:\dir\filename.csv;')

print('Copy successful.')

The problem is that the script prints 'Copy successful,' but does not insert the data into the db. No error messages are generated. I've duplicated the \ characters in the file path, so that isn't the issue. I've been looking around for solutions and possible troubleshooting methods, but have yet to find anything I understand that seems relevant.

Additionally, is there any way I might be able to pass mock_idea_info directly into the copy statement?

Any assistance would be immensely appreciated.


  • See Copy from:

    cat data.out 
    1       2
    2       1
    \d csv_test 
                  Table "public.csv_test"
     Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 
     col1   | integer |           |          | 
     col2   | integer |           |          | 
    with open("data.out", "r") as f:
         with cur.copy("COPY csv_test FROM STDIN") as copy:
             while data :=
    select * from csv_test ;
     col1 | col2 
        1 |    2
        2 |    1
    --Add format options
    cat data.out 
    with open("data.out", "r") as f:
         with cur.copy("COPY csv_test FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV)" ) as copy:
             while data :=
    select * from csv_test ;
     col1 | col2 
        1 |    2
        2 |    1
        1 |    2
        2 |    1

    Above adapted from examples in link. This while data := uses the walrus(:=) only available in Python 3.8+