I am new to Jetpack Compose testing and trying to figure out how to access the values of an OutlinedTextField
to perform Instrumentation tests on them:
I can't figure out the syntax to access and check some of the values in the SemanticsNode of the EditFeild.
I am using the following Instrumentation Test:
fun NameTextField_LongInput_CompleteStatusAndLabelCorrect() {
composeTestRule.setContent {
ComposeTemplateTheme {
NameTextInput(name = "RandomName123", onNameInfoValid = { isComplete = it })
assertEquals(isComplete, true)
// This is accessing the label text
//How do I access the Editable text?
//composeTestRule.onNodeWithEditableText("RandomName123") // How do I do something like this?!?!123
I would like to figure out how to access various items in this tree:
Printing with useUnmergedTree = 'false'
Node #1 at (l=0.0, t=110.0, r=1080.0, b=350.0)px
|-Node #2 at (l=48.0, t=158.0, r=1032.0, b=326.0)px
ImeAction = 'Default'
EditableText = 'RandomName123' // HOW DO I ACCESS THIS?!?! I want to confirm values of this?!?!
TextSelectionRange = 'TextRange(0, 0)'
Focused = 'false'
Text = '[Name]'
Actions = [GetTextLayoutResult, SetText, SetSelection, OnClick, OnLongClick, PasteText]
MergeDescendants = 'true'
Here is the complete Composable I am trying to test:
fun NameTextInput(name: String, onNameInfoValid: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
// Name
val nameState = remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue(name)) }
val nameString = stringResource(R.string.name)
val nameLabelState = remember { mutableStateOf(nameString) }
val isNameValid = if (nameState.value.text.length >= 5) {
nameLabelState.value = nameString
} else {
nameLabelState.value = stringResource(R.string.name_error)
shape = RoundedCornerShape(card_corner_radius),
value = nameState.value,
singleLine = true,
onValueChange = { if (it.text.length <= 30) nameState.value = it },
isError = !isNameValid,
label = { Text(nameLabelState.value) },
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
keyboardType = KeyboardType.Text,
capitalization = KeyboardCapitalization.Words
colors = customTextColors(),
modifier = Modifier
Great question, you can access the textfield via the tag of its modifier.
modifier = Modifier
Then access the text field with above tag, you can assert the result as below:
val value = composeTestRule.onNodeWithTag("field")
value.assertTextEquals("RandomName123") // verify value of textfield
for ((key, value) in value.fetchSemanticsNode().config) {
Log.d("AAA", "$key = $value") // access and print all config
if (key.name == "EditableText"){
assertEquals("RandomName123", value.toString())
Try and test success on my side.