I want to be able to proxy all methods of a class inside the constructor of a class itself.
class Boy {
constructor() {
// proxy logic, do something before each call of all methods inside class
// like if arg passed is 3, print something additionally
run(meters) {
walk(meters) {
// walk
const myBoy = new Boy();
console.log(myBoy.run(3)) // should print 3 and something else
I think a for loop for each method would be an interesting approach, but at that point I could just implement the logic in the first lines of each function.
I realized I could just create a proxy with the target as the class object itself and then index the method.
class Boy {
constructor() {
// proxy logic, do something before each call of all methods inside class
// like if arg passed is 3, print something additionally
return new Proxy(this, {
get(target, prop) {
const origMethod = target[prop];
if (typeof origMethod == 'function') {
return function (...args) {
if (args[0] == 3) {
return "3 is unlucky, you didn't go anywhere."
let result = origMethod.apply(target, args)
return result
run(meters) {
return `you ran ${meters}!`
walk(meters) {
return `you walked ${meters}!`
// walk
const myBoy = new Boy();
console.log(myBoy.run(2)) // prints "you ran 2!"
console.log(myBoy.walk(3)) // prints "3 is unlucky, you didn't run."
console.log(myBoy.run(3)) // prints "3 is unlucky, you didn't run."