Okay so short question first
Is there any way to prevent creating loading bars with clearing the console and echoing it again? it would just make my life easier :)
What I want for output in Batch1...
File1 status : searching... (<--Dots as loading bar)
File2 status : searching. (<-- same here)
Second and more important question...
Can a Batch file actually run two commands
So that these loading Dots just appear while the Batch is executing the search command. Something like:
Do loop until Batch finished search
Or what i tried xDD...
for /l %%x in (1 , 1 , {search code} ) do {loading bar-code}
...yeah i know this code above could never work but at least I tried...
Thanks for helping ^^
Simultaneous tasks are impossible implement, as far as I know. But, just for fun, you can use fake loading dots with the following code:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "dot=."
set "msg=initializing"
for /L %%A in (1,1,4) do (
set msg=!msg!%dot%
echo !msg!
timeout 1 >nul
echo !msg!