Is it possible to infer a function argument from another argument? I want to infer 2nd argument based on inference of 1st argument.
Current code can be on GitHub slickEventHandler.interface.ts and is the following
export type GetSlickEventType<T> =
T extends (infer U)[] ? U :
T extends (...args: any[]) => infer U ? U :
T extends SlickEvent<infer U> ? U : T;
export type GetEventType<T> = T extends infer U ? U : T;
type Handler<H> = (e: SlickEventData, data: GetSlickEventType<H>) => void;
export interface SlickEventHandler<T = any> {
subscribe: (slickEvent: SlickEvent<T>, handler: Handler<T>) => SlickEventHandler<T>;
unsubscribe: (slickEvent: SlickEvent<T>, handler: Handler<T>) => SlickEventHandler<T>;
unsubscribeAll: () => SlickEventHandler<T>;
and this allows me to do the following (live code here)
const onSelectedRowsChangedHandler = this._grid.onSelectedRowsChanged;
(this._eventHandler as SlickEventHandler<GetSlickEventType<typeof onSelectedRowsChangedHandler>>).subscribe(onSelectedRowsChangedHandler, (_e, args) => {
and this does proper inference
However, what I'm looking for is a much simpler approach as shown below (but what I currently get using the code below is args
being infered as any
this._eventHandler.subscribe(onHeaderCellRenderedHandler, (_e, args) => {
const column = args.column;
const node = args.node;
So as I mentioned in the question, for that to work, I would need to infer first argument and somehow make an alias that can be used by the second argument. Is that possible with latest version of TypeScript?
I think you want the methods to be generic not the interface, so you would put the generic at the function definition not the interface name.
export interface SlickEventHandler {
subscribe: <T>(slickEvent: SlickEvent<T>, handler: Handler<T>) => this;
unsubscribe: <T>(slickEvent: SlickEvent<T>, handler: Handler<T>) => this;
unsubscribeAll: () => this;
then the generic will be inferred when you call the method.