
set custom code_challenge for loginRedirect in msalBrowser

I use msal-browser package for authentication and trying to set code_challenge to something which I want than the auto generated one by msal-browser.

import * as msal from "@azure/msal-browser";
import pkceChallenge from "pkce-challenge"

const msalConfig = {
  auth: {
      clientId: "GUID", // This is the ONLY mandatory field; everything else is optional.
      authority: "https://{tenant}{tenant}", // Choose sign-up/sign-in user-flow as your default.
      knownAuthorities: [{authority}], // You must identify your tenant's domain as a known authority.
      redirectUri: "http://localhost:6420", // You must register this URI on Azure Portal/App Registration. Defaults to "window.location.href".

const b2cScopes = ["https://{tenant}",

const myMSALObj = new msal.PublicClientApplication(msalConfig);

const pkce = pkceChallenge();

const loginRequest = {
    scopes: ["openid", ...b2cScopes],
    codeChallenge: pkce.code_challenge


Looks like the above doesnt seem to work as the input param for loginRedirect doesnt expect codeChallenge property to be present.

How do I set this ?


  • Not possible, these are the supported params