
Prevent exe file from being closed/Crash windows os if a program is closed

I'm trying to achieve something ; I created a exe file, that automatically force shutdown the computer at 11 pm. I would like to make this script impossible to stop or crash, or even make the entire system crash if the program is closed. How can i achieve this ?

Note : I'm on a laptop, running windows 10. I made a python file, and i converted it in an exe file with py installer. Then i created a shortcut to that exe file that run the program with admin rights


  • If you mark the process as critical Windows will trigger a blue screen crash if that process is stopped/killed.

    There is information about how to do this here

    Note: Although it is possible to do this, it is not a good idea to do so. For example as suggested by Anders, use a Scheduled Task. Having the system crash could result in information loss, or other unintended consequences.