
HCL Nomad Web: HTTP Response content type unsupported

I've a Notes database with java agent, that receives HTTP POST request and returns plain text in response.

A part of java agent code that initializes output, sets the content type and puts a string to the output.

    try {
        this.output = this.getAgentOutput();
        output.println("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
    } finally {

A part of client side LotusScript that sends POST request and reads the response:

Set webRequest = session.CreateHTTPRequest()
webRequest.preferstrings  = True
serverResponse =, jsonPayload) 

This code works in HCL Notes client perfectly. But when I try to run the same LotusScript code from the HCL Nomad Web, I get error message:

HTTP Response content type unsupported

I don't understand what content type is suitable for HCL Nomad Web, if a simple text/plain is not supported.

Any ideas?


  • the NotesHTTPRequest class is not yet supported on Nomad Web.