I want to get regular updates on my website's speed through Slack. How to achieve this using Google Apps Script?
First and foremost, get...
PageSpeedInsights API
key, (here is how)Once you have these, go to https://script.google.com/home and create a new script.
The following code should do the trick:
var mobileData = fetchDataFromPSI('mobile');
var desktopData = fetchDataFromPSI('desktop');
function pageSpeedApiEndpointUrl(strategy) {
const apiBaseUrl = 'https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed';
const websiteHomepageUrl = ''; // Your website
const apikey = ''; // Your API key
const apiEndpointUrl = apiBaseUrl + '?url=' + websiteHomepageUrl + '&key=' + apikey + '&strategy=' + strategy;
return apiEndpointUrl;
function fetchDataFromPSI(strategy) {
const pageSpeedEndpointUrl = pageSpeedApiEndpointUrl(strategy);
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(pageSpeedEndpointUrl);
const json = response.getContentText();
const parsedJson = JSON.parse(json);
const lighthouse = parsedJson['lighthouseResult']
const originLoadingExperience = parsedJson['originLoadingExperience']
const result = {
'overall_performance': originLoadingExperience['overall_category'],
'score': lighthouse['categories']['performance']['score']*100,
'firstContentfulPaint': lighthouse['audits']['first-contentful-paint']['displayValue'],
'speedIndex': lighthouse['audits']['speed-index']['displayValue'],
'timeToInteractive': lighthouse['audits']['interactive']['displayValue'],
'firstMeaningfulPaint': lighthouse['audits']['first-meaningful-paint']['displayValue'],
return result;
function composeMessageForSlack() {
const message = {
'blocks': [
'type': 'section',
'text': {
'type': 'mrkdwn',
'text': '*Website performance on Prod:*'
'attachments': [
'blocks': [
'type': 'section',
'text': {
'type': 'mrkdwn',
'text': 'Performance on Mobile :point_down:'
'type': 'section',
'text': {
'type': 'mrkdwn',
'text': 'Score = ' + mobileData['score'] +
'\n\nFirst Contentful Paint = ' + mobileData['firstContentfulPaint'] +
'\n\nSpeed Index = ' + mobileData['speedIndex'] +
'\n\nTime To Interactive = ' + mobileData['timeToInteractive'] +
'\n\nFirst Meaningful Paint = ' + mobileData['firstMeaningfulPaint'] +
'\n\nOverall Performance is = ' + mobileData['overall_performance'] + '\n\n'
'type': 'divider'
'type': 'section',
'text': {
'type': 'mrkdwn',
'text': 'Performance on Desktop :point_down:'
'type': 'section',
'text': {
'type': 'mrkdwn',
'text': 'Score = ' + desktopData['score'] +
'\n\nFirst Contentful Paint = ' + desktopData['firstContentfulPaint'] +
'\n\nSpeed Index = ' + desktopData['speedIndex'] +
'\n\nTime To Interactive = ' + desktopData['timeToInteractive'] +
'\n\nFirst Meaningful Paint = ' + desktopData['firstMeaningfulPaint'] +
'\n\nOverall Performance is = ' + desktopData['overall_performance'] + '\n\n'
return message;
function postDataToSlack() {
const slackWebhookUrl = ''; //Your Slack webhook url
const payload = composeMessageForSlack();
const options = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType' : 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify(payload)
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(slackWebhookUrl, options);
function doGet() {
return ContentService.createTextOutput('Website Performance retrieval successfull!');
Once you test the code and make sure it works, determine the frequency of your report using triggers.