To insert values into the identity column manually, I use:
SET identity_insert product ON
INSERT INTO product (PID, ProdName, Qty, Unitprice)
VALUES (10, 'soap', 5400, 22)
Firstly I have deleted the 10th row/record, then I have used this command to insert the identity value and record it manually. this command is inserting the record. It's fine
Where should I write the command SET identity_insert product OFF
? And what is the use of the SET identity_insert product OFF
From the documentation:
At any time, only one table in a session can have the
property set toON
So, if you are in a batch where you want to override the auto-generated identity values on two different tables, you would set the first one to OFF
before setting the second one to ON
(Also, like a lot of things, if you change something from the default, it's never a bad idea to change it back.)