I am using agora for video call and streaming services. I need to check the netwok quality and notify users for slow connection.For these i wrote these functions for checking uplink and downlink network quality.this is the reference
const rtcClient = this.client;
const checkQualityDrop = (
quality: string,
currentQuality: number,
): { newNetworkQuality: number; qualityDroppedNow: boolean } => {
const newNetworkQuality = Number.parseInt(quality, 10);
const qualityDroppedNow = currentQuality < 4
&& newNetworkQuality >= 4;
return { newNetworkQuality, qualityDroppedNow };
rtcClient.on('network-quality', (quality) => {
if (quality.uplinkNetworkQuality) {
const {
} = checkQualityDrop(quality.uplinkNetworkQuality, this.uplinkNetworkQuality);
if (qualityDroppedNow) {
this._log('network-drop', { type: 'uplink', newNetworkQuality });
this.uplinkNetworkQuality = newNetworkQuality;
if (quality.downlinkNetworkQuality) {
const {
} = checkQualityDrop(quality.downlinkNetworkQuality, this.downlinkNetworkQuality);
if (qualityDroppedNow) {
this._log('network-drop', { type: 'downlink', quality: newNetworkQuality });
this.downlinkNetworkQuality = newNetworkQuality;
Anything greater than 4 in the uplink and downlink should notify users for slow network.But here its not working for slow network.Anyway i can rewrite or improve these functions?
I'm not sure your conditional will evaluate true when the quality drops:
const qualityDroppedNow = currentQuality < 4 && newNetworkQuality >= 4;
You're checking if the previous quality was low and the new quality is improved/recovered.